Neurological Glossary
Neurological terms are often complicated and difficult to understand. The following glossary defines a variety of terms to help you understand neurological terminology:
Dynamic Ankle Foot Orthosis
Dawson's fingers
Ovoid demyelinating lesions with their long axis perpendicular to the ventricular surface seen in multiple sclerosis
Death by neurological criteria
Irreversible loss of all brain function
Decerebrate rigidity
Stereotyped posture consisting of extension of all four limbs occurring with transaction between the superior collicui and inferior collicli in the midbrain; often used synonymously with extensor posturing
Decorticate rigidity
Stereotyped posture consisting of flexion of the forelimbs and extension of the hind limbs occurring with transaction between the diencephalon and midbrain; often used synonymously with flexor posturing
To cross
Deja vu
Feeling as if one has lived through or experienced this moment before; may occur in people without any medical problems or as a seizure aura
Delayed sleep phase syndrome
Circadian rhythm disorder in which in the daily sleep/wake cycle is delayed with respect to clock time such that sleep occurs well after the conventional bedtime; common in young adults
Abnormal mental state characterized by disorientation
Acquired and sustained loss of memory and other intellectual functions that is of sufficient severity to interfere with daily functioning
Dementia pugilistica
Chronic traumatic encephalopathy caused by cumulative and repetitive head trauma and manifesting as dementia and parkinsonism
Destruction or loss of the myelin sheath surrounding axons; results in impaired nerve impulse conduction
Receiving portion of the neuron
Distribution of sensory innervation on the skin of the body and the limbs
See: Insulin. A condition in which the body cannot use glucose (sugar)
Diaphragma sellae
Thin dural membrane overlying the sella turcica that is fenestrated to allow passage of the infundibulum
The part of a long bone formed from the primary centre of ossification
Depression of metabolism at sites distant from
Longitudinal division of the spinal cord by a septum of bone
Diffuse axonal injury
Widespread damage to white matter due to rotational shearing forces with head trauma
Diffuse Lewy body disease (Lewy body dementia)
Form of dementia associated with fluctuating alertness
Where both legs are affected but the arms are not [or only slightly so]
Double vision
A substantial and long-term physical or mental impairment that reduces functions such as mobility
A joint shifted out of position
Dissociated sensory deficit
Impairment of pain/temperature sensation with preservation of vibration/proprioception or vice versa; implies lesion of brainstem or spinal cord involving one sensory tract but sparing the other
Further from the axial skeleton.
The inability to concentrate
Doman Delacato Therapy
Form of therapy used in the treatment of brain injury
Doppler scan
An ultrasound technique using soundwaves to obtain a graphic display of blood flow
Dorsal columns
Ascending axonal tract running in the dorsal funiculus of the spinal cord that carries tactile and proprioceptive information to the brain; fibres cross in the ventromedial medulla to become the medial lemniscus
Dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus
Parasympathetic nucleus that stimulates secretion from glands of the pharynx and thoracic and abdominal viscera
Dorsal rhizotomy
Surgical procedure involving sectioning of the dorsal spinal nerve roots performed to reduce spasticity
Dorsal root ganglion
Collection of cell bodies located in the intervertebral foramina that transduce sensory information into neural signals and transmit these signals to the CNS
Dose failure
Phenomenon in which an individual dose of medication has no effect; occurs in Parkinson disease possibly in association with a tablet getting stuck in the throat or delayed gastric emptying
Double Hemiplegia
Paresis involving the limbs on both sides of the body with the upper limbs more severely affected than the lower.
Double simultaneous stimulation (DSS)
Ability to detect two stimuli applied simultaneously to opposite sides of the body; for tactile DSS
Drop foot
A gait problem
Drop metastases
Tumour masses in the lumbosacral spinal cord due to CSF spread of neoplastic cells .
Movement of one eye
Dura mater
Outermost layer of the meninges covering the brain and spinal cord; consists of a thick fibrous tissue that is adherent to the inner table of the skull and forms a protective sheath in the vertebral canal
Dural tail sign
Tail of dural enhancement seen on CT or MRI in association with meningeal neoplasms such as meningioma
Duret haemorrhages
Secondary haemorrhages occurring in the diencephalon
Imperfect production of the sounds used in speech
Impaired ability to perform rapid alternating movements .
Pain or discomfort in response to a stimulus .
Distorted taste perception
Difficulty in writing due to a defect of brain function other than sensory defect (the alternative word 'agraphia' is sometimes used)
Abnormality of movement/bizarre spontaneous movements
Difficulty in speaking due to a defect of brain function other than sensory defect (the alternative word 'alalia' is sometimes used)
Difficulty in reading due to a defect of brain function other than sensory defect (the alternative word 'alexia' is sometimes used)
Difficulty judging and controlling the speed
Difficulty in swallowing
Difficulty in using language. It can either be a problem understanding language (receptive) or speaking it (expressive). People are often affected by both sorts.
Difficulty in voice production
Difficulty in controlling and co-ordinating movements or carrying out complex tasks when requested
Disorder in which the main complaint is about inadequate or unrefreshing sleep
Muscle tone fluctuates between stiffness and floppiness/slow twisting repetitive movements of arm